Wednesday 28 July 2010

green fingered?

The things on the left are carrots. Probably.
Purple broccoli on the right. Planted 4 purple broccolis that grew hedge like in moments and that's half of what we were able to harvest. The caterpillars absolutely loved it though and we had to hire in a squad of 5 year olds to remove them all. Our lawn is a shambles as well. It makes the Wembley pitch look like.....Wembley. We don't seem to be too bad at salad related plants and have a good crop of lettuces and chives and hopefully beetroot.
I don't wish to talk about the 6 strawberries we harvested. One of them was eaten though.

quick Donegal trip

well we headed to Donegal for a quick visit to see Collie and Marie-Anna and their bairns. Just stayed the one night in the tent sleeping on an interesting slope. Good to see them again and the kids enjoyed being back. Juanita as ever tried charming the site owner to let us have a site - still a work in progress. I failed at kite flying as ever. fairly convinced that I've some sort of comedy kite that is more for display than spending time in the air. I did excel at fishing when we all headed out for an hour with Collie. we also managed to pull up a couple of lobsters which came back to Saintfield and were rapidly ingested by Mrs C. Heading back up in 3 weeks for a fortnight so everyone is looking forward to that

Thursday 22 July 2010

Ok - first go at this so I'll make sure it's suitably mundane. I've set this up in about 14 seconds and already I'm worried that Juanita will want me to paint the kitchen the colour of the background I've chosen. She's in the market for a green of some sort so I'll have to keep her away from this.
I'll stick up some pics and stuff when I get a second or else forget entirely that I started this and it will sit like this for ever.
we'll see..........